Kelley's Employment Information

Just how far back should I go?

American Red Cross, Oklahoma County Chapter
323 N.W. 10th Street,
Oklahoma City, OK  73102
Worked part-time as a errand runner during
my senior year in high school (1982).

University of Oklahoma, Norman
Worked as an undergraduate research
assistant and teaching assistant
from 1983-1986.  The vast amount of
this time was working with a Van de Graaff
Accelerator performing Proton-Induced X-ray Emission
studies, although some of it was spent teaching
undergraduate physics labs.

NOAO, National Severe Storms Laboratory
1313 Halley Circle,
Norman, Oklahoma  
Worked as a Physical Sciences Aide from

National Optical Astronomy Observatories
(National Solar Observatory)
950 Cherry St.
Tucson, Arizona
Worked in the Summer Student program processing and
analyzing Solar Magnetograms (images of the solar disk
representing the magnetic field strength).  This lasted
for the summer of 1986.

University of Colorado, Boulder
Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences
Worked as a Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant for
the years of 1986-1990.

University of California, Berkeley
Center for EUV Astrophysics
Staff Research Associate I from Dec 1991 through Sept 1993.
Staff Research Associate III from Sept 1993 through March 1994.
Programmer/Analyst II from March 1994 to June 1998.
Programmer/Analyst III from June 1998 to Nov 2000.

Astronomy Department
University of California, Berkeley
Programmer/Analyst IV from Dec 2000 to May 2010.

College of Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley
Systems Administrator 3 from Jan 2013 to present.
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